EmoRiCon is an android application developed for my master’s thesis “Real-time Emotion Recognition and Analytics in a Mobile Learning Application”.

It is a mobile learning application that can recognize the user’s current emotion real-time and collect various other data during the learning process. These data are either used as is or processed through machine learning models to draw conclusions.

The main objective of the thesis is to provide information through analytics to the instructor so that he can estimate the performance of each student and evaluate the educational content he has created, as well as his teaching method. Various statistics are presented as examples of the information that can be extracted.

The subsequent objective of this thesis, is to show how easily a mobile phone can collect data and analyze it in real-time through machine learning models and various APIs.

The analytics part of the thesis is not included in the mobile app but in a Google Colab jupyter notebook.

publication link

Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.

You can watch a Demo for the android app bellow.